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November 14th

  • Work on CSA Weekly Tasks
  • Plan for the week, get to know ppl in your classes
  • November 15th

  • Start looking into CSA FRQs
  • Work with group for script in Expos
  • Get work permit and forms signed for Mathnasium
  • November 16th

  • Work on CSA FRQs
  • Sell UCLA Dunks (ship in UPS)
  • Work on Expos script and submit by 11:59 pm
  • November 17th

  • Work on CSA FRQs
  • Setup github repo, start work on Expos advertisement project with Soren (you have her discord)
  • Work on Marketing Econ poster
  • November 18th

  • Work on CSA FRQs and submit them
  • Work on Expos advertisement project with Soren (you have her discord)
  • Work on Marketing Econ poster and submit
  • Remember you have to makeup work in DMP from last tri, probably a good time to start planning how to spread out the work.